Saturday, June 4, 2011

May [Happy Anniversary!]

May came and went and we're still trying to figure out what exactly happened to the month - although we do know that we officially reached our one year anniversary as volunteers.  We've gained a new puppy, a parrot and there are numerous toads and tree frogs that seem to want to join our family.  Now June is here and with it a calendar full of events.  So, before we get caught up in what is to come, here is a quick recap of May!

Grab a snack and something to drink, these journal updates tend to be a bit long!

(top) 1- walking in the rain, 2 - the new parrot, 3 - all cleaned up for the student arts festival 4 - Josh and Chris in Cahuita,
(middle) 5 - Ashly, 6 - Sheirys and her caterpiller, 7 - ice cream in a bag, 8 - having fun with the girls
(bottom) 9 - tree frog, 10 - basilisk, 11 - yarn octopus, 12 - tree frog in shower, 13 - Nutrition Day 

May 1

20 days and we reach the one year mark that really counts!

May 2

We got laundry done which is normal and I had my aerobics class, but nothing else followed Monday's usual pattern (if we have anything usual here).

May 3

Another strange day in the life of us, but I guess that's to be expected by now, right?

May 4

Yuli says she would like to exercise but doesn't have tennis shoes.  Her mom says she likes being fat.
[the outcome of a conversation I had with some friends about coming to aerobics class]

May 6

After dinner we led dinamicas (ice breakers) with intermixed groups of indigenous youth.
We left tired and ready for bed.

May 7

It has been wonderful to be a part of this, but it's even better knowing that Peace Corps isn't necessarily needed for the event to take place.  So promising for the future of Copa Indegina (National Soccer Tournament for Indigenous Youth).

May 8

There were traditional dances performed at half times and between games.  There was a sense of respect and camaraderie between tribes.  It was great.  The big event.

May 9

Erasers were created because of Costa Rica.

May 11

Oh what fun it is to ride in a big inflatable raft!

May 14

We had a long morning on buses, but it was well worth it.

Last time we went our shorts may have gotten a little wet.  This time at the midway point our attempts to keep our shirts dry was futile. Then we had to cross through what we'll call squid ink before climbing on dry land again.

...but not until a local named Anthony tried to send us to a different restaurant (and later offered to sell us pretty much any kind of drug we could imagine.)

May 16

Chris ordered us a new adventure camera after the old one shocked him.

May 19

Hot, Hot, Heat!  Goodness this week just seems to keep on getting hotter.

May 20

We window shopped outdoor toys today - anxious for this next year to go quickly.  We're sure it will if the last couple of months are any indicator - we just need to move though the rough patches.

May 21

... at which point they found out that they were scheduled to work with kids from 8 - 2, not 9 - 12.  With the expected blips, things went pretty well based on the sound of things.

May 22

Oh yeah, we've been in Colonia for a year!

May 23

At one point while I was reading I raised my head to a commotion taking place by some of the bars on the porch to find a parrot trying to get in.  It made it through the parrot sized spacing of the bars and then flew across the porch to the other side.  Chris came out to take pictures and Maria coaxed it onto her arm and ta-dah, we have a pet parrot.

At lunch Florecita decided she wanted to sit on Chris' shoulder and so tried to fly and land on him - a pretty freaky event when you're not used to having a parrot in the house nor are expecting it to come flying at you.  Apparently the same thing happened to Maria, as a result she clipped the bird's beautiful wings.

[note: Florecita had been someone's pet previously as is evident by her cut beak.  She was either set free or escaped and found a new home with us - or rather our host parents - we don't exactly do pets...]

May 26

Rodrigo did baile popular (popular dance) and while the performance is indescribable, I will say he ripped his pants in the first third of the performance and kept at it - I'm not sure it was really all that embarrassing for him, he was already halfway naked.

Another interesting day for the books.

May 28

We had a nice relaxed lunch with Rebecca, catching up and just chatting.

Along the way we bumped into Megon and Kevin and were able to catch up for a quick minute.

May 30

We'll be going to the forest on Friday!

Yesterday we made the decision to start making our own food.  We've evaluated what we're paying (~$300 a month - about what we spent in Maine) and what we're eating (not much) and it just doesn't even out in our books.  So, now we need to directly/indirectly tell Maria.

May 31

Talked to Maria this morning and blocked her attempts to keep cooking for us.  I just blurted out that with schedules it'll be better.  That Chris misses cooking.  That we don't want her to worry about us if they're out of town.  It just kept coming until she gave up., it's done.

June, treat us well, please!

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